Transformational Mind and Body Retreat Give yourself the gift of a week just for you.

Join Gemma, Louise and Rose on a transformational retreat in Bali from 2nd-9th of October, 2023. Experience Mindset Coaching, Aromatherapy, Yoga and more to release old patterns and awaken to a new you. Discover inner safety and unlock your unlimited potential with this transformational women’s only retreat in beautiful Bali.

Welcome to our 7-day Balinese Wellness Retreat, where you can relax in luxurious surroundings and enjoy the tranquillity of the daily Yoga Practice, Holistic Therapies and Mindset Coaching.

This amazing opportunity to join us in Bali for this retreat is for you if you  want to invest in your own personal development and indulge in daily yoga, mindset coaching and aromatherapy massage.

We have intentionally, and mindfully chosen Bali as our retreat location, because of its tranquil and spiritual surroundings.

The purpose of the retreat is for you to reconnect with yourself in a place of paradise, so you can fully immerse in the world of personal development, without the distractions of day to day life- each session has been very carefully designed with you in mind so you can reconnect to your true authentic self.

At the end of the retreat you will leave feeling empowered, transformed and energised.

Location info:

Have you heard of Bali, AKA "The Island of the Gods"? Get ready to experience pure paradise for a whole week! It's like stepping right into the heart chakra of the world. And where will you be staying? None other than the highly luxurious Amori Villas, nestled away in serene surroundings of lush jungle and rice paddies. Picture yourself waking up every morning in your own spiritual haven, feeling the peace and tranquility of Ubud all around you. And if you're feeling adventurous, don't worry! You're just a hop, skip, and a jump away from exploring the town center and all its amazing restaurants, boutiques, and local artisan talents. So what are you waiting for? Come experience the ultimate luxury retreat and discover Bali's unique blend of spirituality, relaxation, and adventure at Amori Villas. See you there!

Included activities

All you have to do is find your way here, and let yourself be found.


Daily Yoga

Start your morning practising Yoga surrounded by the positive ions of nature. Louise will be guiding you through your daily Yoga practice. A combination of Meditation to help focus the mind. Pranayama to stir your inner energies. Slow Flow Yoga, a moving meditation to warm up the body. Transitioning into a Yang dynamic practice to strengthen and energise. Finally cooling down with Yin Yoga, relaxation and Reiki. Our bodies need support in different ways, so modifications will be given as required.  There will be an opportunity to do evening Yoga, this will consist of  Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Reiki. Yin Yoga moves you deeper into the body, to the fascia, ligaments and bones. Combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as it pinpoints and stimulates meridian lines to promote the flow of Qi. Yoga Nidra, a guided meditation to move you into an alpha state of relaxed consciousness. During these sessions Louise will use Reiki to promote healing by unblocking stagnant energy leaving you totally blissed out.

Daily mindset coaching

You’ll learn how to clear the most common clusters of patterns and distortions in your use of language, imagination and relationship with your body / emotions that keep you stuck in survival mode. These sessions focus on empowerment (clear boundaries and ownership over one’s powers), liberating the self (over-coming the false self where what you do gets confused with who you are), embodying an attitude of optimism and building a healthy trust in yourself, others and the Universe.

All of these change processes calm down your nervous system so that we can awaken you to unlimited possibilities. Until we have cleared the stress/survival mode any desirable outcome that you come up with will come from that place/way of thinking. E.g. people who feel anxious want to feel calm or people who feel insecure want to feel confident – these are very limited outcomes, limited to what’s possible. This stage is crucial – it’s like building the foundations of a house – to feel safe enough if your body to move forward. If you skip this stage you’ll get stuck in your escape mechanisms: avoiding, procrastinating, unaligned actions / solutions etc. even if you do get some success, your subconscious WILL sabotage it in order to stay safe.

Session 1:

Coaching with me is about structure & how you create your own experiences - the meaning you attach (albeit often subconsciously) to the experiences you have. In this initial coaching session we’ll go deep and uncover HOW you create experiences, because the way you create 1 experience is often how you'll go on to create other experiences. I use a step-by-step process that covers the following:

Session 2: Building Response-ability

We start with ownership over our powers (response-ability), which takes away the feeling of powerlessness, over-responsibility and puts you in charge of your thoughts, feelings, communication and the actions you take.

Session 3: Liberating The Self

You'll learn how to separate who you are from what you do. Having a solid sense of self-worth that is independent from what other people say or do (or don’t say or do) as well as your successes and mistakes, is key to feeling safe as you move out into the world, the unknown and beyond your comfort zone.

Session 4: Building An Attitude Of Optimism

Then we focus on optimism, build permission to experience all kinds of emotions (sensations in our body) in a given situation and we clear the distortions of discounting, personalising, making things permanent and pervasive. Essentially, pessimism is about making the situation about you and then spreading it to all areas of our lives, forever. And we forget all the things we are already great at or that we can already count (which we call discounting). This pattern will also clear a general sense of dread, hopelessness and feeling low.

Session 5: Embodying Trust

The previous steps build a solid sense of safety, and next up is building trust. Trust in ourselves, the Universe, others and our goals. This process has proven to be incredibly powerful and often creates a strong positive emotional response. Along with the three previous processes, this builds a solid sense of inner safety and puts your body into the rest and relaxation state rather than fight/flight/freeze.

Session 6: Envisioning A New You

Once you have built a solid sense of inner safety, regardless of what is going on outside of you, you get to go through the process of awakening to your new, unlimited desired state. Here you learn to forget to put your attention on what you don't want, what you've been worrying about and instead step into the desired state that allows you to focus on completely different things.

Gemma Gilmour

Hi! I’m Gemma – a mum of 3, behaviour analyst and mindset coach dedicated to helping ambitious women step into their best selves to create a life they love. I help women break free from procrastination, perfectionism and the need for control through over-analysing, worst-case scenario thinking and incessant “what if”-ing. In my coaching sessions I teach how to reprogram your subconscious mind in a way that allows you can show up as the women you want to become. By the end of our time together you’ll be able to step into your full power and authority as you realise your own goals from a place of ease and joy. By focusing on change from the inside – out and using a blend of neuroscience, neurosemantics and quantum physics I provide a transformational coaching experience that addresses the entire mind-body-emotion-soul system. Coaching with me is about taking inspired action from a place of surrender; let go of ‘the how’ and allow things to come to you – mindset coaching will help make it all possible.

Louise Ward

Hello, I’m Louise – a mum of two, Registered Nurse in Critical Care, Yoga teacher and Reiki practitioner. My vocation in life is to care for others and promote wellness.

I have been teaching Yoga and practising Reiki from my studio in Cambridge for the past seven years. I have organised several Yoga Retreats over the years but this is my first Retreat in Bali. I am very excited to be part of this unique venture with Rose and Gemma. My style of Yoga is a blend of Hatha, Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga. I love the juxtaposition of the Yin and the Yang, creating balance and equilibrium. Keeping with Ayurvedic beliefs, promoting well being mentally and physically.

Think of me as your own personal Yoga teacher during your stay. I will be available for all your Yoga needs. So just let me know if you want to talk through a Meditation or a Pranayama, or trying an Asana you’re interested in.

The aim is for you to leave the Retreat with renewed energy and confidence. Bestowing a sense of accomplishment and progression, a transformation for the body and mind.


I’m Rose- a mum of 2, & I’m excited to share the beautiful news that I’m going to become a grandmother for the 1st time in April. I have worked as a women’s Holistic Health Practitioner for over 35 years.

During our week together I will be offering you a choice of  Holistic Therapy treatments including;

  • Aromatherapy
  • Indian Head Massage
  • Hormonal Reflexology
  • Aromatherapy Massage

There will also be a workshop explaining how essential oils work &  the benefits of using them. I will offer guidance & support to you all, so you can create your very own bespoke bottle of essential oil.  My aim is for you all to experience the wonderful world of essential oils, & gain an understanding of how you can use them to support any menopause symptoms you may be experiencing


early bird



Full price



Do any of these statements
resonate with you ?

a break

your body

your mind

your systems

just pause & imagine that...

Are You Ready to be
Healthy & Happy?

Then join our 14 day ayurvedic retreat to
rejuvenize your body & mind

April 2 - 15, 2023 or
April 15 - 28, 2023




Join Ayurvedic Retreat

Ayurveda is an ancient natural wisdom of health and healing, the science of life.
According to ayurveda, health is a perfect state of balance among body, mind & soul.
Many of our health issues are actually caused by our lifestyle choices related to our daily routine, diet, family & relationships and job & money.
Illness then can be understood as an invitation for self care to achieve self-trasformation. 

What can ayurveda help you with?

Ayurveda is not only massages. It is the divine science of life. 
The sacred knowledge of life compiled by ancient seers and passed on through several dedicated
practitioners of this science now offers solutions to the pressing problems that people face.

who is the reatreat for?


you cannot imagine your lunch without chips & soda
your best weekend is the one spent in front of your TV
you think meditation is just a waste of time
you expect your psychologist to solve all your issues


you realize that your health is more important than your work project
you are ready for digital detox
you long to experience real connection with nature
you are ready to take responsibility for your happiness and well-being

What is Included

What is not included

Remember, your health and Happiness is priceless!

Just pack your sweatpants, favorite swimsuite & flip flops,
hop on a plane and get ready to be pampered and nourished.

Kadaltheeram Resort

Kadaltheeram ayurvedic resort is a quite space specially designed for the people who want to relese stress and recharge.

It is the place in God’s Own Country, where culture, nature, Ayurveda and fine delicacies come together to give you a special treat you deserve.

The villa, where you will stay has been designed in traditional style architecture.
After your treatments you can relax in the front yard and enjoy the greenery and pacifying wind from the Arabian Sea.
Authentic ayurvedic massages to calm your mind and sooth your nerves, and the pristine climate gives you an opportunity to take a break from your stressfull day to day life for a few days.

Varkala, Kerala

Varkala is a famous tourist spot and offers panoramic beach leading abruptly into the majestic and world famous Varkala cliff with its sheer red sandstone peeping out.
One of the enduring attractions of Varkala is the Janardhana Swami temple which is around 2,000 years old and functioning through the millennia to this day. Varkala cliff also invites tourists to its collection of shops selling trinkets, handicrafts and everything spiritual that is quintessentially Indian. It also has a number of lovely restaurants specializing in seafood.  

Resort is located only 49 km from international airport in Trivandrum.

See you soon!

Book Now!